A Note From Our Pastor
Return to BlogThe Order of Melchisedek – 4 The Order of Melchisedek
April 20, 2021
There is no royal priesthood organized in the Bible. What tribe had the kings? Judah! What tribes had the priests? Levi! You can easily trace those two services – one of priestly ministry and one of regency – for centuries. In the second century before Christ, the Maccabees established the independence of the Jews in defiance of the Greeks and later of the Romans. Then for a period of some sixty years there were two kings who assumed the authority of the priests – only two, and they were criminals! The royal priesthood was a failure. But yet all Israel was to form such a priesthood. The Lord has given only one example, in the whole spectrum of the Old Testament, in whose life these twin rays of royalty and priesthood are blended successfully. Remember his name? Melchisedek! He was king and priest. Have you wondered why his name, Melchisedek was not translated? “Melchishalom” has been translated, “king of peace” in Hebrews 7:12. But “Melchisedek” in not translated. It is transliterated, put into English characters. God wants to call particular attention to its significance. It means his kingdom in righteousness.
Melchisedek is the example of royal priesthood. When we, God’s people, become kings and priests, it is not after the order of Aaron, but it is after the character of Melchisedek.